Fidelity House
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Turkey Tune-Up- HS Basketball Clinics

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Fidelity House is running its 22nd Annual "TURKEY TUNEUP" Thanksgiving Weekend!  This is your final chance to get some work in prior to High School tryouts.  The three 90 minute clinics, will feature skill work, conditioning and scrimmaging with the goal being preparing for high school tryouts.  The clinic will be held at Arlington Catholic across the street from Fidelity House. 
Friday, November 29th,
Saturday November 30th +
Sunday, December 1st

Grades 9-12:
Friday, Saturday & Sunday:           1:00 - 2:30pm     @ Arlington Catholic

All 3 Sessions:                                        $80
Individual Session:                                $40
Contact for more information!
Name: __________________________________________           Grade:______ School: ________________
Parent Name/Contact Phone Number: _____________________________/___________________________
Family Email Address: _____________________________________________________
Sessions Attending (please circle): Friday 1:00-2:30
                                                           Saturday 1:00-2:30
                                                           Sunday 1:00- 2:30                                             
                                                       ALL THREE DAYS

Contact for more information!

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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